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complAI Project


complAI - Collaborative Model-Based Process Assessment for trustworthy AI in Robotic Platforms

In order to introduce artificial intelligence-based processes in organisations, the respective decision makers face great challenges related to

  • appropriately addressing unrealistic expectations,

  • assessing the expected added value compared to the expected effort in building and maintaining artificial intelligence, and

  • the sufficient assessing the risk of legal, ethical, safety and security issues.

Facing a variety of artificial intelligence methods with different characteristics – the precise but expensive symbolic artificial intelligence, the abstracted but flexible sub-symbolic artificial intelligences as well as a combination including the human interpretation in the sense of knowledge management – requires a fundamental expertise about those artificial intelligence mechanisms, chances and challenges on top of domain expert knowledge to make a traceable, transparent and informed decision.

For this reason, complAI introduces a model-based assistant system for decision support. Furthermore, model-based operation of robots based on signed trustworthy processes considering ethical, legal, safety and security specific assessments is conducted. The conceptualization and provision of suitable criteria catalogues is realized in collaboration with legal, ethic and robotic experts.